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Sound Transit Airport Link - Seatac, WA

Project Details
- Preliminary and final structural steel design.
- Elements include airport station roof, elevator tower, stair structures, Pedestrian Bridge and Plaza and miscellaneous steel structures to support architectural/electrical components.
Featured Bridge and Transit Projects
- Sound Transit - Puyallup Commuter Rail Station - Puyallup, WA
- Sound Transit - Sumner Commuter Rail Station - Sumner, WA
- West Seattle High-Level Bridge - Seattle, WA
- Yelm Trail Bridge - Yelm, WA
- Everett Swift Bus Rapid Transit - Everett, WA
- Sound Transit Airport Link - Seatac, WA
- Seacrest Dock (Elliot Bay Watertaxi) - Seattle, WA
Other Bridge and Transit Projects
- Northwest Airlines Hangar and SR-509 Tunnel Extention - Seatac, WA
- West Seattle Low-Level Bridge - Seattle, WA
- Sound Transit - Beacon Hill Tunnel - Seattle, WA
- City of Lynnwood I-5/196th St. Pedistrian Bridge - Lynnwood, WA
- Sound Transit - Lakewood Commuter Rail Station - Lakewood, WA